School Districts across the country have gotten very creative with programs – big and small – for incentivizing students to come to school, with very positive results. Ongoing motivational programs exhibit that structured rewards to contributors at all levels can dramatically boost achievement at generally low expenses. Districts have found that incenting ALL stakeholders in the attendance improvement process consistently yields great success. Galena Park Independent School District in Houston, TX is one district that is showing results in this programming. Galena Park ISD achieves accelerated success for their attendance improvement by ensuring that their campus’ frontline personnel and leaders are fully engaged in all efforts. They have achieved this by building meaningful relationships, a little healthy competition, and powerful recognition with and for all sites. Myra Castaneda, Instructional Services Director at Galena Park ISD, and strong district champion for attendance improvement shared the district programs, successes, and proof points for their team engagement and outreach in How Whole Team Buy-In for Timely Student Interventions Turns into Provable Success at the Every Day Matters Summit on February 20, 2020. As education leaders implement required COVID-19 updates for the upcoming 2020-2021 School Year, how previous best practices translate to these updated environments are of key importance. The below featured best practices will remain valid with little or no minimal adjustments. Get more information on the RaaWee K12 TDPS COVID-19 resource updates for district partners at

Galena Park Independent School District (ISD) was established in 1930 with G. P. Smith serving as Superintendent. There are two high schools, five middle schools, fifteen elementary schools, and alternative programs staffed by approximately 2,000 teachers, administrators, classified and auxiliary personnel making us one of the largest employers in east Harris County. The District includes 39 square miles outside of Loop 610 East and has a student enrollment of over 22,000.
Galena Park ISD continues to deliver effective instruction to its diverse and growing student population in grades Pre-K through 12 and takes great pride in academics. A variety of outstanding instructional programs are designed to meet the ever-changing needs of the students they serve.

“In Galena Park ISD, we prioritize attendance along with student success. It is our goal to have students attending each and every day to prepare students to become productive citizens and lifelong learners. Through leading, learning, and serving as district employees it is our duty to ensure that we are doing all we can do to get our children to school,” emphasizes Ms. Castaneda.
The GPISD team lives by the philosophy “It takes a village,” when it comes to student attendance. It truly takes a team effort. Ms. Castaneda punctuates, “The one thing I know for sure is that you can’t have one training and expect everyone to be on board with using a truancy prevention system such as RaaWee with fidelity. It takes trust, several training opportunities, constant reminders, prioritizing attendance, and acknowledgment.”

People respond well to those they trust and have developed relationships with. By establishing a climate of caring and compassion, all counselors, administrators, and truancy clerks know that everything is done for the success of their children. With every meeting, they get to know the people who lead the charge at the campuses. In doing this, acknowledging the great job each is already doing.

By using the User Intervention report from the district’s RaaWee K12 TDPS, the top users are identified and recognized at every meeting. This shows our frontline staff that the great efforts they are putting in are noticed and appreciated at all levels.
From the beginning of the school year, GPISD set a training calendar for administrators, truancy/attendance clerks, and counselors. RaaWee K12 TDPS is a standing agenda item at every meeting. By being consistent in talking about the program, the entire team is able to work through any issues, questions, or concerns that any may have with the program. Now that the district has been using the program with fidelity for three years, it is the expectation for all administrators, truancy/attendance clerks, and counselors to work collaboratively.

Truancy/attendance clerks send warning notices, help enter notes in the system, and file on students who have 13 or more unexcused absences. Administrators work hand in hand with all parties to ensure that we are following through with every student who has absences. Not only does this show parents that everyone is keeping track, it genuinely shows the district’s care and concern. GPISD knows that when students are in school, they are safe, they are being fed as well as educated.

The district initiative of Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow is the basis of principal plans for improving attendance. At the beginning of the school year, each principal outlines a plan to meet their attendance goals. If those goals are met, the district provides incentive money to use for students. The executive board works with the business office to determine the source of the funds to ensure compliance with the incentives.
PEIMS director for the district sends out a color-coded campus ADA chart. This chart is a powerful tool that principals and district administrators see every week. Everyone strives to be in the green or yellow areas. The green is equal to or greater than 97%, the red is below 96.5% and yellow is between 96.51 – 96.99%. This chart keeps everyone on their toes and is the ongoing tool used to determine who has met their goals. The district recognizes the campuses that have met or improved on the district’s goal of 96.5%.

For information on the data, reports, and programs featured in the Galena Park ISD best practices email Myra Castaneda at or contact RaaWee K12 at

About the Author
Myra Castaneda
Program Director for Educational Support, Galena Park ISD