Tier 2provides early intervention for students who need more support to avoid chronic absences.
Tier 3 offers intensive support for students facing the greatest challenges to getting to school.
Proactive: acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes; taking an active role in dealing with something before it needs to be taken care of.
Reactive: Tending to be responsive or to react to a stimulus; an action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a situation or event.
The RaaWee K12 Solutions platform, for example, contains automation around several outreach mechanisms such as phone calls, texts, and emails, conference invitations, reminder letters, personalized contracts, absences prevention measures, instruction loss tracking and recovery, home visits, coordination with social service partners, and in extreme cases, truancy court.
The Action Board and Navigation Board features in RaaWee TDPS platform are the most robust interventions management tools in the industry. These tools empower school districts to implement the Best Practices while saving thousands of hours of staff time for the district in their attendance tracking and engagement strategies for students who are struggling with attendance.
In line with other academic scholars on the topic, Bauer, et. al (2018) report that, “Researchers have studied the impact of communication with parents regarding attendance, including parent-to-parent communications, two-way texting between parents and schools, and informational mailings to parents. Communicating the value of school attendance to parents was central to the strategy in each study” (p. 20). In concert with this framework, RaaWee has maximized schools’ and districts’ ability to communicate frequently, compassionately, and with ease between staff and families to lessen the multiple barriers which contribute to absenteeism. The RaaWee automated messaging systems are diverse, yet distinctly personalized as well, to encourage positive participation at school.
“With RaaWee K12, now our campus administrators and
specialists can focus on the causes of truancy and dropout and better find
solutions to address those causes.”
Johnny Barrington
Lead Truancy Officer
Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD, TX
“We believe that the best intervention is prevention and positive
reinforcement. Proactive Tools will allow us to effectively and efficiently
outreach and recognize growth.”
East Side UHSD, CA
Dr. Chaunise Powell
Some practical examples from RaaWee’s extensive toolkit include:

Informing families about the resources offered by the district so that the families can reach out and benefit from support services before the student misses school. These may include information about transportation options, local health practitioners, or childcare programs

Creating an awareness plan to encourage parents that striving for outstanding attendance in early grades will create lifelong habits of good attendance within their family as children move into secondary grade levels.

Proactive MTSS is more of a restorative and supportive approach. The goal is to level the playing field for all students from different backgrounds and needs. Employing the 3-R Strategy can be effective:
a. Reminding students and families in the district about the effects of absences on a student’s education and well-being by:
i. Issuing monthly digital flyers and other electronic communications through email, text, and social media
ii. Sharing resources the district has to help with maintaining good attendance at school
iii. Sending personalized electronic attendance records and letters, and encouraging messages from leadership.
b. Rewarding good attendance will increase overall awareness about attending school regularly, such as
i.Perfect Attendance.
ii.STARs and Shout-out Awards
c. Recognizing improvement in attendance with personalized messages may also discourage additional absences.

Identifying students who were chronically absent or highly truant in the past and checking in on whether the challenges they faced which contributed to their chronic absences may arise again in the future.
A combined strategy will require understanding of each community and finding the sweet spot between Reactive and Proactive support for them
Reactive MTSS Approaches


Warning letters

Admin/parent/student conferences

Attendance contracts

Home visits

Mediation/attendance committee meetings

Learning loss recovery

Truancy court referrals
Proactive MTSS Approaches

Ongoing parent updates on how absences effect their child’s learning

Regular campaigns reinforcing negative effects of absenteeism

Parent awareness outreach highlighting barrier-specific resources

Attendance improvement recognition

Good attendance rewards
More Proactive Approach Leads To
Lesser Reactive Interventions

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Trusted by Thousands of Schools Across the Nation