RaaWee Attendance+
Find out how RaaWee Attendance+ supports Proactive and Reactive Attendance Improvement Strategies.

Proactive and Reactive Attendance
Improvement Strategies.
RaaWee provides the perfect toolkit for your Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) attendance improvement strategy
Achieving Attendance Improvement
The Reactive Approach occurs in response to the situation, pattern, or event after it occurs. In cases where a history of poor attendance has already taken place or currently persists, reactive interventions can be used to interrupt the cycle of truancy and get students back on track to positive attendance.
Key Points
- Quickly identify each child struggling with attendance and customize a plan that addresses individual needs.
- Build a collaborative team to support the student’s attendance improvement plan, including student, family, school staff, and community resources.
- Identify a student’s barriers to regular attendance providing essential insights to target services and prevent future absences.
- Facilitate improved attendance habits with restorative communications and relationship building.
- Share attendance data with student and guardian to guide the student’s chronic absence or truancy course correction.
- Provide any and all planned interventions as students’ continued absences warrant in a very timely fashion.
Our Tools:
- Automated Intervention Recommendations
- Timely Interventions for Every Student Communication
- Error-Free Coordination among Stakeholders
- Print, Email, Text & Phone Outreach Options
- Real-time Centralized Access to all Documentation

“The dashboard in RaaWee makes it very easy to gather information so campuses can make best decisions for their students and parents.”
Sue Pike, Director of Information Services, Deer Park ISD

“The dashboard in RaaWee makes it very easy to gather information so campuses can make best decisions for their students and parents.”
Sue Pike, Director of Information Services, Deer Park ISD

“The dashboard in RaaWee makes it very easy to gather information so campuses can make best decisions for their students and parents.”
Sue Pike, Director of Information Services, Deer Park ISD

“The dashboard in RaaWee makes it very easy to gather information so campuses can make best decisions for their students and parents.”
Sue Pike, Director of Information Services, Deer Park ISD

“The dashboard in RaaWee makes it very easy to gather information so campuses can make best decisions for their students and parents.”
Sue Pike, Director of Information Services, Deer Park ISD

“The dashboard in RaaWee makes it very easy to gather information so campuses can make best decisions for their students and parents.”
Sue Pike, Director of Information Services, Deer Park ISD

RaaWee Attendance+ Enterprise
For School Districts
with 8,000+ students

RaaWee Attendance+ Essential
For Small School Districts
with less than 8,000 students
Turn your
Attendance Strategies
into Action!
Trusted by
Thousands of Schools
Across the Nation
Trusted by Thousands of Schools Across the Nation